Friday, March 23, 2018

In You

even if there were no hope of reward
at the end of this long lonesome road
called life,
still would I sing praises unto You,
still would I love Your name;
for Your truth,
for Your light,
for Your sacrifice;
in You there is no darkness,
in You there is no confusion,
in You there is only light,
in You there is only peace,
in You lies all my trust,
in You resides all my hope,
in You I place all my faith,
in You shall I overcome,
in You shall I have
life more abundant;
for above You
there is no other,
You alone are worthy,
You know what I need better than
I could ever know myself,
You see that which my limited vision
cannot even imagine,
You lead me to that perfect place
before I even know I have arrived;
You have restored
all that was lost,
You have brought
new hope and joy,
to You do I owe
all that I have;
to You will I belong forever.

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“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith ma...