Sunday, February 4, 2018

final analysis

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.   Ecclesiastes 1:14
in the final analysis,
you don’t find the words,
they find you,
gliding in like geese landing
on a remote mountain lake,
touching down with a splash at
3 in the morning,
you either take the shot or
lose them forever,
by morning they will be gone;
this ocean stretches endlessly
before me,
a sea of words,
mountains of darkness,
places visited,
journeys taken,
hidden thoughts,
the magnitude, the enormity,
none of it matters now,
inside there’s more,
but the will and desire are gone;
a new kind of sadness
overcomes my soul,
final, complete,
without return,
I have gone so far,
yet I have gone nowhere;
all the atrocity,
all the inequity,
all the inequality,
all the injustice,
swept under the carpet,
made to go away,
pretending it never happened;
you reap what you sow;
destined to repeat the lies,
your hour is here,
your time has come;
this flesh is born,
this flesh dies,
crumbling back into the dust
from whence it came,
all your greatness,
all your accomplishments,
all your desires,
all your good works,
just a fading footnote,
eventually forgotten,
in the end nothing but
vanity and vexation;
the mountains shine like jewels
in the morning sun,
they too fade away;
without You there
is nothing.


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“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith ma...