Saturday, February 10, 2018

Once More

the end draws near,
it speaks from within
just as surely as the wind
blowing through the swaying trees,
the last breath waits,
silently and patiently lingering,
like ocean waves crashing down
upon deserted winter shores;
I do not fear it,
I do not seek it,
it is what it is,
it will be what it will be,
part of the final story,
a small piece of who and what I was,
the completion of a journey;
I know my Lord and Savior,
the One who was sacrificed for me,
the King who laid down His
life that I might live,
will be there the whole time,
giving me strength to endure every trial,
standing by my side through every
moment of suffering and pain,
He will never leave me,
never forsake me,
never stop loving me;
it is in His hands that I place my life,
to Him do I submit all that I have,
in Him do I place my trust,
through Him shall I live once more.


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“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith ma...